Sunday, September 20, 2009

    Why Couldn't My High School Marching Band Be This Fun?

    It´s not everyday you come across a good sounding marching band. Let alone, a good song. Most everyone knows the songs are boring. Or at least at Robert E. Lee High School they were! Well, I´ve seen some of the BEST videos from a marching band, EVER on youtube. I thought I would NEVER see anything like this, but I have, and it's amazing. I only ask myself, why couldn't my HS ever do this? Is it because of the image the girls of t.A.T.u. gave America? Now causing the whole states to have a continuing growing passion of hate towards the homosexual community? If so, I think that´s stupid. ANYHOW! I´ve come with some amazing videos from the Arcangeles Marching Band!!
    *listen carefully*


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